I am passing in time values departureTime
such as '12:00' here. Then I try to convert it into a date and perform a subtraction. However, the result of timeOfDeparture and then time till departure is invalid. How can I fix this and make everything in a uniform type?
const timeNow = new Date(); console.log('TIME NOW', timeNow) const timeOfDeparture = new Date(departureTime); console.log('TIME of Departure', timeOfDeparture) const timeTillDeparture = Math.floor((timeOfDeparture.valueOf() - timeNow.valueOf()) / 60000); console.log('TIME TILL DEP', timeOfDeparture)
Example console logs:
TIME NOW Tue Oct 06 2020 15:47:35 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)TIME of Departure Invalid DateTripTimes.tsx:17 TIME TILL DEP NaN