The placeholder and typed text in my input field seems to be a bit lower than the center. Is there any way to vertically align it in the center? I have already tried alignItems, justifyContent and textAlign but none of them seem to do the trick.
export const Input: FunctionComponent = () => { return (<Item rounded style={styles.inputItem}><Icon name='search' size={moderateScale(18)} color="#bdbdbd" style={styles.icon}/><Input style={styles.inputField} placeholder="Search Text" placeholderTextColor="grey" /></Item> );};const styles = StyleSheet.create({ inputItem: { width: moderateScale(330), backgroundColor: 'white', borderBottomColor: 'grey', borderRadius: moderateScale(10), height: verticalScale(40), paddingLeft: moderateScale(10), }, icon: { paddingRight: moderateScale(10), }, inputField: { fontSize: moderateScale(15), borderBottomColor: 'transparent', marginTop: 3, },});