I am trying to add a button on right side of a header in one of the stack navigation in my app but the problem is its not working.
Here is my code.I don't know why this is not working
<AppStack.Screen options={{ headerShown: false, }} name="MyProfile" component={TabNavigation} /><AppStack.Screen name="CommunityStack" component={CommunityStack} />
const CommunityStack = () => { return (<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={({ navigation }) => ({ title: "Community Hub", headerRight: () => { return (<Box marginHorizontal="s"><RoundedBorderButton label="For Members" onPress={() => navigation.navigate("Register")} /></Box> ); }, })}><Stack.Screen name="CommunityHub" component={CommunityHub} /><Stack.Screen name="KarawarDetail" component={KarawarDetail} /><Stack.Screen name="CommunityMember" component={CommunityMember} /></Stack.Navigator> );};