I am having trouble with the setState of objects.My interface definition is as follows;
export interface IProjectData { Id?: string, Description?: string, ProjectState?: string,}
I access the parameter I sent with RootStackParamList as follows.
function ProjectScreen({ route, navigation }: ProjectProps) { const [project, setProject] = useState<IProjeData>(null) useEffect(() => { const sProject = JSON.stringify(route.params.project) let myProject: IProjeData = JSON.parse(sProject) console.log('myProject: ') console.log(myProject) setProject(myProject) console.log('Project: ') console.log(project) }, []) return ( ... ... )}
Consol output is as follows. Where am I going wrong? Why can't I assign a value to project?
myProject: {Id: "bd7acbea", Description"My Test Project", ProjectState"25/25"}Project: null