I am new to react and i want display array item into pickerview for selection
NOTE : Consider i can not modify structure of both the API_URL
and env
only way i can access the value is API_URL[env.url1]
My entire code is as below :
import React, { Component } from 'react';import { Picker, SafeAreaView, Text } from 'react-native';export default class App extends Component { state = { hand: 'right', } render() { const API_URL: any = { url1: 'http://xyz', url2: 'http://abc', url3: 'http://pqr', }; const env: any = { url1: 'url1', url2: 'url2', url3: 'url3'}; return (<SafeAreaView style={{flex:1}}><Text style={{ color:'black', fontWeight:'900', fontSize: 18, padding:30}}> Scegli tipo </Text><Text style={{ color:'black', fontWeight:'900', fontSize: 18, padding:30}}> {API_URL[env.url1]} </Text><Picker selectedValue={this.state.hand} onValueChange={hand => this.setState({ hand })} style={{ width: 160, postion: 'absolute',fontSize:10 }} mode="dropdown" itemStyle={{ color:'red', fontWeight:'900', fontSize: 18, padding:30}}><Picker.Item label="Right Hand" value="right" /><Picker.Item label="Left Hand" value="left" />// i want show that array here like. <Picker.Item label="url1" value="http://xyz" /> </Picker></SafeAreaView> ); }}