Hello Everyone!
I want to show a native popup menu in Android using UIManager.showPopupMenu()
method, but I got an Error Can't display the popup. Could not find view with tag XXX
at the docs the first parameter of that method should be filled with a view tag number using the findNodeHandle()
It works fine if I am using a ref
from <Pressable ref={handlePopupRef} />
but It doesn't work if I am using a ref
from <View ref={handlePopupRef}></View>
I have no idea what's wrong with my code even when I am trying with ref callback
it still doesn't work like <View ref={ref => handlePopupRef.current = ref}></View>
Code Samples
import React, {forwardRef, RefAttributes} from 'react';import {View, StyleProp, TextStyle} from 'react-native';import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Feather';interface IconHelperProps { name?: string; size?: number; color?: string; style?: StyleProp<TextStyle>;}const IconHelper: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent< IconHelperProps & RefAttributes<null>> = forwardRef((props, ref) => { return (<View ref={ref}><Icon name={props.name || 'help-circle'} size={props.size || 24} color={props.color || '#242424'} style={[props.style]} /></View> );});export default IconHelper;
import React, {useRef, useState} from 'react';import { Pressable, UIManager, findNodeHandle, StyleProp, TextStyle, ViewStyle,} from 'react-native';import Icon from './Icon';import Text from './Text';export interface ButtonHelperProps { title?: string; iconName?: string; iconSize?: number; iconColor?: string; isDropdown?: boolean; dropdownMenu?: string[]; style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; textStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>; onPress?: () => void; onPressDropdownMenu?: (i: number | undefined) => void;}const Button: React.FC<ButtonHelperProps> = props => { const {title, iconName, isDropdown} = props; const [bgColor, setBgColor] = useState('transparent'); const handlePopupRef = useRef(null); return (<Pressable onPressIn={() => { setBgColor('#E3E3E7'); }} onPress={() => { if (isDropdown) { UIManager.showPopupMenu( findNodeHandle(handlePopupRef.current), props.dropdownMenu || ['Sample Menu'], error => { console.log(error); console.error('Error Show Popup'); }, (e, i) => { props.onPressDropdownMenu?.(i); }, ); } else { props.onPress?.(); } }} onPressOut={() => { setBgColor('transparent'); }} style={[ { backgroundColor: bgColor, borderRadius: title ? 8 : 0, flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', }, props.style, ]}> // It's work fine when I am using a Ref from Pressable component {/* {isDropdown && <Pressable ref={handlePopupRef}></Pressable>} */} // But it doesn't work when I am using a Ref from View component {iconName && (<Icon name={iconName} size={props.iconSize} color={props.iconColor} ref={ref => (handlePopupRef.current = ref)} /> )} {title && (<Text size={14} bold style={[ { paddingHorizontal: 24, paddingVertical: 12, }, props.textStyle, ]}> {title}</Text> )}</Pressable> );};export default Button;