I´m using Avatar from react-native-elements and the ImageComponent prop is typed as React.ComponentClass (IntelliSense report type React.ComponentClass<{}, any>
When using a functional component (with prop key) I get red squiggles under ImageComponent:
<Avatar rounded size={c.styles.avatarSize} containerStyle={{ margin: c.styles.marginLRTB / 2 }} placeholderStyle={{ backgroundColor: colors.background }} ImageComponent={() => AvatarImage(key)} />
Type '() => JSX.Element' is not assignable to type 'ComponentClass<{}, any>'.ts(2769)
const AvatarImage = (key: string) => (<FastImage style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }} source={sourcesState[key].category === 'In-app' ? avatars[key as QuotesListKeys] : { uri: sourcesState[key].imageUrl }} /> );
How can I fix this typescript error? I´m still learning typescript and need some help with this one.
I´ve tried to define a new class/interface that extend Avatar/AvatarProps:
type MyAvatarProps = Omit<AvatarProps, 'ImageComponent'> & { ImageComponent: FC<{ key: string }> }; class MyAvatar extends Avatar<MyAvatarProps> {}
I get typescript error Type 'Avatar' is not generic.ts(2315)
How do I extend Avatar with MyAvatarProps when it's not generic?
Or is there other/better ways to handle this?