I was wondering if it is possible to change the default behavior zoom, the default seems to change the viewport
in all directions, but I want to keep the bottom where it is, and only resize the other three, pitch
is also necessary.
I want the marker to keep it's position when zooming in/out like in first gif
The way it works right now is when the gesture stops, the camera animates to new marker that gets generated because, the camera for some reason does not update while user is zooming.
const markerLatLng: LatLng = {latitude: 42.00352792344026, longitude: 21.396884999999997}const generatedMarker: LatLng = computeDestinationPoint( markerLatLng, currentDistance, currentHeading,);
mapViewRef.current?.animateCamera( { center: generatedMarker, heading: currentHeading, pitch: defaultPitch, zoom: currentZoom, })