I have a problem with this code:
<Tab.Navigator shifting={false} barStyle={{ backgroundColor: home ? '#000' : '#fff', }} initialRouteName="Home" activeColor={home ? '#fff' : '#000'}><Tab.Screen name="Home" component={Home} listeners={{ focus: () => setHome(true), blur: () => setHome(false), }} options={{ tabBarLabel: 'Home', tabBarIcon: ({ color }) => (<FontAwesome name="home" size={24} color={color} /> ), }} /><Tab.Screen name="Discover" component={Discover} options={{ tabBarLabel: 'Discover', tabBarIcon: ({ color }) => (<AntDesign name="search1" size={24} color={color} /> ), }} />
I try to remove the name "Home" and "Discover". I just want to see the icon. If I remove tabBarLabel: 'Discover',
nothing happens, but if I try this : tabBarLabel: '',
does not show up anymore, instead I have a space there