I'm new to react native and started learning about nested navigators.I tried to have the drawer and the stack navigator at the same time, but when i try it only works when i see the project on mobile, on web it's all blank.I can see the page appearing for a millisecond before it vanishes whenever i make a change to the code and hit save.
I've already read the documentations about it and watched some videos but nothing works.
Here's a simplified code of my index.tsx:
const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator();const Home=()=>{ return(<NavigationContainer><Drawer.Navigator drawerContent={props => <CustomDrawerContent {...props}/>} initialRouteName="Main Menu"><Drawer.Screen name="Main Menu" component={StackMainMenu}/></Drawer.Navigator></NavigationContainer> )}const Stack = createStackNavigator();const StackMainMenu = ()=>(<Stack.Navigator><Stack.Screen name="Main Menu" component={MainMenu}/></Stack.Navigator>);
It works perfectly when seeing it on my phone, i can see the top bar and i can slide the drawer menu, on web it shows only a white page.
I also get this warning when compiling: Attempted import error: 'shouldUseActivityState' is not exported from 'react-native-screens'.
maybe it has something to do?
Aditional information if it helps:
I'm using expo.I type npm start to launch the code.Using google chrome for web testing and android for mobile.I'm using Linux Mint