I am calling the third-party API and the data
does not have the favorited
property, then I added the property favorited
at the interface StocksProps
Interface StocksProps
interface StocksProps { id: number; name: string; ticker: string; minimumValue: number; profitability: number; favorited: boolean;}
But at the time when I call the API I use the setStocks
remembering that this API call is inside the useEffect
hook.The API data comes
"success":true,"data":[ { ... }, { ... },],"error": null
API get
api.get('stocks').then((response) => { const stocksDataOrdered = response.data.data.sort((stockA: StocksProps, stockB: StocksProps) => stockA.name.localeCompare(stockB.name)); setStocks(stocksDataOrdered); setLoading(false);});
And I'm trying to make the heart empty, full after I click on the heart, but when I give a console.log () in the action that has the id, it doesn't come with any properties called favorited.
const handleStockAsFavorite = useCallback((id: number) => { const stockToChangeTheFavoriteValue = stocks.find(element => element.id === id); console.log(stockToChangeTheFavoriteValue); setFavoriteStock(false)}, [stocks]);
<FavoriteButton onPress={() => handleStockAsFavorite(stock.id)}><FavoriteImage source={favoriteStock ? favoritedImg : unfavoriteImg} /></FavoriteButton>
The log comes{"id": 3, "minimumValue": 400.2, "name": "Banco do Brasil Seguridade", "profitability": 27.05, "ticker": "BBSE3"}