Brand new to react-native and typescript!I'm have a bit of trouble extracting JSON response. I was to extract the response and put it into a class as shown below.
Here is the request code
let notifications: INotification[] notifications = (await Requests.GET('notification/user/test-user-1', accessToken));
Here is the class
export interface INotification { id: string; senderId: string; receiverId: string; text: string; isSeen: boolean; type: string; timestamp: string; }
Here is the Postman response
{"notifications": [ {"pk": "user-1","sk": "notification1234","entity": "notification","id": "id number","senderId": "test-user-2","receiverId": "test-user-1","text": "Test notifications","isSeen": false,"type": 2 } ]}
Here is response from the console
{ notifications: [ { pk: 'user#test-user-1', sk: 'notification1234', entity: 'notification', id: 'id number', senderId: 'test-user-2', receiverId: 'test-user-1', text: 'Test notifications', isSeen: false, type: 2 } ] }
I want to be able to write out:
console.log("TEXT: ",notifications[0].text )
And get the response of : "Text: Test notifications"
Any help welcome!