Main Goal: I have two TextInput and I want to simulate the return click on first textInput to set focus to the next textInput.
Lets start with the setup (using typescript)
I have a themed TextInput with some color settings as shown below. I setup/use the forwardRef to pass-on the ref if provided. Of what I could read, this seems to be the right way. but maybe this is wrong.
export type TextInputProps = ThemeProps & RNTextInput['props'];export const TextInput = React.forwardRef<RNTextInput, TextInputProps>((props, ref) => {...return <RNTextInput style={[{ backgroundColor, color }, style]} {...otherProps} ref={ref} />;}
Now on my screen, I am using this object and on the completion of typing on first input, I wanted to set focus on this one. The code looks like this..
const inputSecound = React.useRef<typeof TextInput>();const handleFirstTextComplete = () => { inputSecound.current.focus() // This does not work}...<TextInput onSubmitEditing={handleFirstTextComplete} ...><TextInput ... ref={inputSecound}> //This also complains
Any idea how to achieve this correctly in functional components + custom components + typescript.
A sample snack is available here if you wants to see the complete setup in action.