I have created a new react-native project using:
npx react-native init
But on App.js there is an error here:
const App: () => React$Node = () => { return (...)}
There is a red underline in "() => React$Node"
And the error is:
Type annotations can only be used in TypeScript files
I know that this can be fixed by just using "const App = () => { ", but I remember that I have created some other projects before that would not have this error when created. I noticed that this started to happen only after I created a project with template typescript. Now every project I create start like this, and I don't think this is the only thing on the code that is different, because I'm finding a lot of odd errors that wouldn't happen before. The project now will only render right if I use typescript, even if I change this line.
My question is: How can I go back to when the project would not require typescript to work??