Using React and Bootstrap to create a dialog (deleted everything unnecessary, but the error persists):
import React, { Component,} from 'react';import { Modal,} from 'react-bootstrap';class MyDialog_MultiSelect extends Component<any, any> { constructor( props: any ) { super(props); } render() { return (<Modal animation = {false} aria-labelledby = "contained-modal-title-vcenter" backdrop = "static" centered dialogClassName = "ms-modal" keyboard = {true} show = {true} size = "lg"><Modal.Header closeButton></Modal.Header><Modal.Body></Modal.Body></Modal> ); }}export default MyDialog_MultiSelect;
When opening a dialog in the browser console (Chrome), an error is displayed:
index.js:63 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeName' of null at _e (index.js:63) at MutationObserver.<anonymous> (index.js:63)
The dialog works, but this error is annoying.
What is this error and how can it be fixed?