I have difficult time to explain this, maybe pictures of my code can help
I am able to do conditional type like this
if first parameter is 'FIRST_KEY', the second parameter must be number
then if first parameter is 'SECOND_KEY', the second parameter must be a boolean
This is my successful approach
then i want to do the same but in an array like this
and i have no idea to make the typescript to work in that situation
here is my helper code and the type
i thought it gives better information using screenshots visually like this
Here is the code in text
import AsyncStorage from "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage"import { localStorageType } from '../references/types/local-storage'async function getItem<keyType extends keyof localStorageType>(key: keyType) { return await AsyncStorage.getItem(key)}async function multiGet<keyType extends (keyof localStorageType)[]>(keys: keyType) { return await AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys)}async function setItem<keyType extends keyof localStorageType, pickedlocalStorageType extends localStorageType[keyType]>(key: keyType, savedData: pickedlocalStorageType) { await AsyncStorage.setItem(key, typeof savedData != 'string' ? JSON.stringify(savedData) : savedData)}async function multiSet() {}multiSet([ ['FIRST_KEY', 8], ['THIRD_KEY', 'test'],])async function removeItem<keyType extends keyof localStorageType>(key: keyType) { await AsyncStorage.removeItem(key)}async function multiRemove<keyType extends (keyof localStorageType)[]>(keys: keyType) { return await AsyncStorage.multiRemove(keys)}async function clear() { await AsyncStorage.clear()}export default { getItem, multiGet, setItem, multiSet, removeItem, multiRemove, clear}
export type localStorageType = { FIRST_KEY: number, SECOND_KEY: boolean, THIRD_KEY: string}