I have a problem with useState hook. I'm trying to do some kind of tests. But I don't understand how it works. I have two components - SurveyScreen
and QuestionItem
const SurveyScreen: React.FC = () => { const [answersList, setAnswersList] = useState<Answer[]>([]); // ... return ( {/* ... */}<QuestionItem completeSurvey={completeSurvey} answersList={answersList} setAnswersList={setAnswersList} step={step} setStep={setStep} index={index} question={question} questionsCount={survey.questions.length} key={question.id.toString()} /> );}
const QuestionItem: React.FC<IQuestionItemProps> = ({ step, setStep, index, question, questionsCount, answersList, setAnswersList, completeSurvey,}) => { const [singleAnswerId, setSingleAnswerId] = useState<number | null>(null); const [answersIds, setAnswersIds] = useState<number[]>([]); const addAnswer = (): void => { let answer: Answer; if (question.multiple && answersIds.length) { answer = { id: question.id, user_comment: '', checked: answersIds, }; console.log(answer); } else if (singleAnswerId) { answer = { id: question.id, user_comment: '', checked: singleAnswerId, }; console.log(answer); } setAnswersList(answersList => [...answersList, answer]); console.log(answersList); // <- [] from the first time }; return (<TouchableOpacity onPress={addAnswer} style={{...mainStyles.alignCenterRow, marginTop: 90}}><Text style={styles.continueText}>Continue</Text><EvilIcons name="arrow-right" size={30} color="#007fff" /></TouchableOpacity> );}
When I try to add the answer to list, it doesn't update the array from the first time. It outputs empty array.
What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?