hello I am new to react native I am facing an issue while I am passing imageURL as a prop I have an onboarding component in which I have an image tag I want to pass the image here as a prop but I am facing an issue I am using typescript in my project here is my onboarding component
const OnBoarding: React.FC<{imageUrl: string}> = (imageUrl) => { return (<View style={styles.container}><View style={styles.subContainer}><View style={styles.skipContainer}><Image style={{width:150, height:150}} source={{ uri: imageUrl }} /></View><View style={styles.nextContainer}><View><Tittle /><View style={styles.paragraphSec}><SubTittle /></View><View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', width: '15%', justifyContent: 'space-between', marginTop: 12, }}><View style={styles.swipe}></View><View style={styles.swipe}></View><View style={styles.swipe}></View></View></View><View style={styles.nextButton}><View style={styles.circle}><Text style={styles.next}>Next</Text></View></View></View></View></View>
and this is my app.tsx file where i import onBoarding component i am new to typescript
const App: React.FC<{}> = () => { return ( // <WelcomeScreen /><OnBoarding imageUrl={require("../assets/blur.png")}/> );};