When I have an absolute scrollview inside of a view, where the view is position relative and the scrollview is absolute, the contents of the absolute scrollview are hidden outside of the view, this occurs even if I have the parent view set as oveflow: "hidden"
I am trying it create a auto suggest drop down for a text input.
I have seen that this is an issue on android, but I am testing this on IOS and I am having the same issues.
From what I understood what I am doing should work as shown in this JSFiddle (https://jsfiddle.net/qax6dvrc/14/)
const styles = { destinationInputContainer: { width: '90%', height: 50, backgroundColor: '#fff', borderRadius: 10, marginBottom: '2.5%', marginHorizontal: '5%', // IOS shadowColor: '#000', shadowOffset: { width: 1, height: 4}, shadowOpacity: 0.5, shadowRadius: 1, elevation: 3, position: "relative", flexDirection: "row", }, destinationInput: { paddingLeft: 10, paddingTop: 0, flex: 1, }, searchResults: { position: "absolute", top: 50, zIndex: 1, elevation: 5, }, topContainer: { position: "relative", overflow: "visible" }}
Component Structure ( I have tried to remove all irrelevant code)
const DestinationInput = ({ _currentTextValue, _latLong, dragCallback, id, updateCallback}: destinationInputProps) => { const updateValue = (newValue: string) => { setCurrentText(newValue); // update the value stored in the state updateCallback(inputId, newValue); } return (<View style={styles.topContainer as any}><View style={styles.destinationInputContainer as any} > <TextInput style={styles.destinationInput} value={currentText} placeholderTextColor='#000' placeholder='Destinations' onChangeText={(currentInput) => updateValue(currentInput)} /><TouchableOpacity onLongPress={dragCallback} style={{flexDirection: "column", justifyContent: "center", flex: 1}}><Text>Drag</Text></TouchableOpacity></View><ScrollView style={styles.searchResults as any} ><Text>Option1</Text><Text>Option2</Text><Text>Option3</Text></ScrollView></View> );};export class DestinationSearch extends React.Component { state: {currentDestinations: destinationInputProps[]} // specify the type for the props constructor(props: any) { super(props); } renderItem({ item, index, drag, isActive }: RenderItemParams<destinationInputProps>) { return <DestinationInput updateCallback={this.updateSingleValue} _currentTextValue={item._currentTextValue} id={item.id} dragCallback={drag} /> } render() { return (<View><ScrollView style={{maxHeight: 220}}><DraggableFlatList data = { this.state.currentDestinations } keyExtractor={(item, index) => `draggable-item-${item.id}`} renderItem = {this.renderItem} onDragEnd={({ data }) => { console.log(this.state.currentDestinations); this.setCurrentDestinations(data)}} extraData = { this.state.currentDestinations } /></ScrollView><Button title={"Add"} disabled={this.state.currentDestinations.length >= 5} onPress={this.addDestination}></Button></View> ); }}