I'm trying to convert two files from JS to Typescript, but with no luck.
The first file creates the reducer and actions to update the state.
The second one is a file to create the context and map the dispatch to actions.
The first problem is to pass the reducer and actions to the file "createDataContext.js", and the second is I can't find a proper type for boundActions and how to map inside the for.
Could someone please, give me a hand converting these files?
import createDataContext from "./createDataContext";import trackerApi from "../api/trackerApi";import AsyncStorage from "@react-native-community/async-storage";import { navigate } from "../navigationRef";const TOKEN_KEY = "@TrackersApp";const ACTIONS = { ADD_ERROR: "add_error", SIGN_UP: "sign_up",};const authReducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case ACTIONS.ADD_ERROR: return { ...state, errorMessage: action.payload }; case ACTIONS.SIGN_UP: return { token: action.payload, errorMessage: "" }; default: return state; }};const signUp = (dispatch) => async ({ email, password }) => { try { const response = await trackerApi.post("/signup", { email, password, }); console.log(response); await AsyncStorage.setItem(TOKEN_KEY, response.data.token); dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SIGN_UP, payload: response.data.token, }); navigate("TrackList"); } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.ADD_ERROR, payload: "Something went wrong with Sign Up!", }); }};const signIn = (dispatch) => { return async ({ email, password }) => { // go to api and signIn };};const signOut = (dispatch) => { return () => { // manage async storage };};export const { Provider, Context } = createDataContext( authReducer, { signUp, signIn, signOut }, { token: null, errorMessage: "", });
import React, { createContext, useReducer } from "react";export default (reducer, actions, defaultValue) => { const Context = createContext(); const Provider = ({ children }) => { const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, defaultValue); const boundActions = {}; for (let key in actions) { boundActions[key] = actions[key](dispatch); } return (<Context.Provider value={{ state, ...boundActions, }}> {children}</Context.Provider> ); }; return { Context, Provider };};
Thanks in advance!