I have a button on the header to activate EDIT mode on a page, or SAVE when edit mode is done.
type TabProfileParamList = { ProfileScreen: { isEditing: boolean };};const TabFourStack = createStackNavigator<TabProfileParamList>();function ProfileNavigator1() { const r = useRoute(); const n = useNavigation(); return (<TabFourStack.Navigator><TabFourStack.Screen initialParams={{ isEditing: false }} name="ProfileScreen" component={ProfileScreen} options={{ headerRight: () => (<MyBtn buttonStyle={{ padding: 0 }} text={r.params.isEditing ? "Save" : "Edit"} onPress={() => { n.setParams({ isEditing: !r.params.isEditing }); }} /> ), }} /></TabFourStack.Navigator> );}
On the lines containing r.params.isEditing
I am getting I place the cursor on top of .params
Object is possibly 'undefined'.ts(2532)
And top of .isEditing
Property 'isEditing' does not exist on type 'object'.ts(2339)
And here where I need it:
export function ProfileScreen1(): JSX.Element { const r = useRoute(); return (<ScrollView style={styles.container}> {r.params.isEditing ? <MembershipScreen /> : <ProfileContent />}</ScrollView> );}
So, every time I click on the SAVE/EDIT button, the app crashes.
I would like to know what I am doing wrong