TL;DRHas anyone have any examples what the correct generic is for useAnimatedGestureHandler?
I am following this tutorial on Reanimated 2 gestures animation. There's this example:
//...const onGestureEvent = useAnimatedGestureHandler({ onStart: (_, ctx) => { ctx.offsetX = translateX.value }, //...})//...
i use typescript, when i copy the example in typescript i get ctx
argument (context) type error:Property 'offset' does not exist on type '{}'.
After some snooping around in onStart declaration i found that full type for GestureHandlers require a generic <T, TContext extends Context>
//...export interface GestureHandlers<T, TContext extends Context> { onStart?: Handler<T, TContext>; //...}
i was able to work around this problem by simply passing a utility type Record (which is almost the same as saying 'any') , i don't like this.
const onGestureEvent = useAnimatedGestureHandler< GestureEvent<PanGestureHandlerEventPayload>, Record<string, unknown>>({ onStart: (_, ctx) => { ctx.offsetX = translateX.value; }, // onActive: () => {}, // onEnd: () => {},});
Has anyone have any examples what the correct generic is for useAnimatedGestureHandler?