I have this below where I fetched country's names from an API, and displayed them on the screen using routes
. Now, I'd like to display item.country
as the headerTitle
. However, I am getting an undefined
error for the route.params.
How can I fix this?
function LocationDataScreen({ route, navigation }) { const { item } = navigation.state.params || {}; const countryName = item.country; return (<View style={styles.container}><Text>{countryName}</Text><Text>{item.cases}</Text></View> );}
const ItemView = ({ item }) => { return (<RectButton onPress={() => navigate("LocationDataScreen", { item: item, name: item.country }) }><Text style={[styles.itemStyle, { textTransform: "capitalize" }]}> {item.id} {item.country.toUpperCase()}</Text></RectButton> ); };
<AppStack.Navigator initialRouteName="SearchScreen"><AppStack.Screen name="SearchScreen" component={SearchScreen} /><AppStack.Screen name="LocationDataScreen" component={LocationDataScreen} options={({ route }) => ({ headerLargeTitle: true, title: route.params.item, })} />