Im using a nested object wich is safed in my redux store to render my FlatList. In each set item I got a textInput to change the reps in my set but every time I change the value of the input it gets unfocused and the keyboard dismisses. Is their a way to stop the input of getting unfocused?
I tried to insert the key property in the flatlist and also in my Item component but that didn`t help.Also tried to delete the extraData property of my FlatList. I guess in this case its not necessary to have this one.
My object:
Workout:{ ExercisList:[ { sets to render:[ {set 1 }, {set 2}, {set 3}, ] }, . . . ]}
<View><FlatList data={workout.exerciseList.find((exerciseList) => exerciseList.elid === route.params.elid)?.sets} renderItem={renderItem} extraData={workout.exerciseList.find((exerciseList) => exerciseList.elid === route.params.elid)?.sets} keyExtractor={(item) => item.sid.toString()}/></View>
const renderItem = ({ item }: { item: Set }) => { return (<Item key={item.sid} sid={item.sid} elid={item.elid} sortOrder={item.sortOrder} reps={item.reps} weightKG={item.weightKG} weightLBS={item.weightLBS} finished={item.finished} /> );};
const Item = ({ sortOrder, reps, weightKG, weightLBS, sid, elid }: Set, key: any) => { return (<Swipeable rightThreshold={30} renderRightActions={() => (<View style={{ backgroundColor: "red" }}><Text>Delete</Text></View> )} onSwipeableRightOpen={() => console.log("Delete Set")}><View style={styles.item} key={key}><Text>{sortOrder}</Text><Text>{lang.t("reps")}</Text><TextInput key={sid} onChangeText={(reps) => changeReps(reps, sid, elid)} value={reps.toString()} keyboardType='number-pad'></TextInput></View></Swipeable> );};
ChangeRepsHere the workout object in my redux store gets changed.
const changeReps = (reps: string, sid: string, elid: string) => { dispatch(updateRepsWorkout(parseInt(reps), sid, elid));};