i'm currently using a stack Navigation on my app, but i want to add a Drawer menu to it.When i try to add i get a conflict issue with the current Navigation Container on my app.
Where shoud i put the Drawer? On my App.tsx, in my routes.ts? or use it like a component?
Here is my app.tsx:
export default function App() { const [fontsLoaded] = useFonts({ Comfortaa_300Light, Comfortaa_400Regular, Comfortaa_500Medium, Comfortaa_600SemiBold, Comfortaa_700Bold, }); if (!fontsLoaded) { return null; } return (<Routes/> );}
I inserted the Drawer like this:
export default function App() { const [fontsLoaded] = useFonts({ Comfortaa_300Light, Comfortaa_400Regular, Comfortaa_500Medium, Comfortaa_600SemiBold, Comfortaa_700Bold, }); if (!fontsLoaded) { return null; } const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator(); function CustomDrawerContent(props) { return (<DrawerContentScrollView {...props}><DrawerItemList {...props} /><DrawerItem label="Close drawer" onPress={() => props.navigation.closeDrawer()} /><DrawerItem label="Toggle drawer" onPress={() => props.navigation.toggleDrawer()} /></DrawerContentScrollView> ); } function MyDrawer() { const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator(); return (<Drawer.Navigator drawerContent={props => <CustomDrawerContent {...props} />}><Drawer.Screen name="Home" component={Welcome}/><Drawer.Screen name="Map" component={IncidentsMap}/><Drawer.Screen name="CreateIncident" component={SelectIncidentLocation}/></Drawer.Navigator> ); } return ( /*<Routes/>*/<NavigationContainer><MyDrawer/></NavigationContainer> );}
Here is my Routes file:
export default function Routes() { return(<NavigationContainer><Navigator screenOptions={{headerShown: false}}> {/*<Screen name="GetLocationTest" component={GetLocationTest}/>*/}<Screen name="WelcomePage" component={WelcomePage}/><Screen name="WelcomePageStep2" component={WelcomePageStep2}/><Screen name="IncidentsMap" component={IncidentsMap}/><Screen name="IncidentDetails" component={IncidentDetails} options={{ headerShown: true, header: () => <Header showCancel={false} title="Incidente"/> }} /><Screen name="SelectIncidentLocation" component={SelectIncidentLocation} options={{ headerShown: true, header: () => <Header title="Selecione no Mapa" showCancel={false}/> }} /><Screen name="IncidentData" component={IncidentData}/></Navigator></NavigationContainer> )}
I managed to insert the Drawer in my App.tsx but i have some conflicts when i try to use the navigation in a button, i recieve The action 'NAVIGATE' with payload was not handled by any navigator.
.Is there a way that i can insert the drawer menu and still be able to use my current navigation system?