I am trying to disable the text under a toggle switch which enables a modal. I want the modal to show when the toggle is enabled and disabled when not.The code is below.
const PrivacySecurity = (props: Props) => { const toggleSwitch = () => setIsEnabled((previousState) => !previousState); const [isEnabled, setIsEnabled] = useState(true); const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(false); const showModal = () => setVisible(true); const hideModal = () => setVisible(false); const [typeSelected, setTypeSelected] = useState(); const buttonState = () => { if (toggleSwitch === setIsEnabled) { console.log('true') true } else { false console.log('false') } }
The logs do not show when I toggle the switch.
<List.Item title="Require Biometrics" right={() => <Switch style={{top: 15,}} trackColor={{ true: "#53A089"} } value={isEnabled} onValueChange={toggleSwitch}/>} left={() => <List.Icon icon="tag-outline" />} /><List.Item title="Biometric Preferences" description="Face ID selected" right={() => <List.Icon icon="greater-than" />} left={() => <List.Icon icon="tag-outline" />} onPress= {modalOne } />
I thought about declaring the switch as a state but i am doing something stupid I think. Please help.