I'm trying to retrieve data from an existing database. I recently switched to bare workflow from Expo managed, trying to test react-native-sqlite-storage with TypeORM. However, TypeORM raw query keeps returning an empty array and I have no idea why.
Here's my code and it is based on this example https://dev.to/jgabriel1/expo-sqlite-typeorm-4mn8
function DictionaryScreen(props) { const { ejRepository } = useDatabaseConnection(); const handleinputWord = async () => { console.log(props.inputWord); //=>this console.logs the text from the input below try { const results = await ejRepository.getWordandMean(props.inputWord); console.log(results); //=> Here I expect an array of the query result but it only returns [] } catch (error) { console.log(error) } } return(<View style={styles.searchContainer}><MaterialCommunityIcons name="text-search" color="white" size={30}/><TextInput style={styles.input} onChangeText={props.updateTextInput} onSubmitEditing={handleinputWord} value={props.inputWord} placeholder='Look up the word (Type exactly)' keyboardType="default" /> <StatusBar style='light' /></View> )}const mapStateToProps = state => { return { inputWord: state.inputWord }};const mapDispatchToProps = {updateTextInput};export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) (DictionaryScreen);
export class EJRepository { private ormRepository: Repository<EJModel>; constructor(connection: Connection) { this.ormRepository = connection.getRepository(EJModel); } public async getWordandMean(props: any): Promise<EJModel> { console.log(props); //=> this returns the same text from DictionaryScreen const results = await this.ormRepository.query( `SELECT * FROM ejmodel WHERE word LIKE '%${props}%';`, [props]); return results; }}
interface DatabaseConnectionContextData { ejRepository: EJRepository;}const DatabaseConnectionContext = createContext<DatabaseConnectionContextData>( {} as DatabaseConnectionContextData, );export const DatabaseConnectionProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => { const [connection, setConnection] = useState<Connection | null>(null); const connect = useCallback(async () => { const createdConnection = await createConnection({ type: 'react-native', name: "ejdict.v1.0", database: '***.db', entities: [EJModel], location: 'default', migrations: [ejdict1621603544180], migrationsRun: true, synchronize: false, logging: true, extra: {createFromLocation: '/Users/***/***/ios/***/www/***.db' } }); setConnection(createdConnection); }, []); useEffect(() => { if (!connection) { connect(); } }, [connect, connection]); if (!connection) { return <ActivityIndicator />; }return ( <DatabaseConnectionContext.Provider value={{ ejRepository: new EJRepository(connection), }}> {children}</DatabaseConnectionContext.Provider> );};export function useDatabaseConnection() { const context = useContext(DatabaseConnectionContext); return context;}
import {Entity, PrimaryColumn, Column} from "typeorm";@Entity({name: "ejmodel"})export class EJModel { @PrimaryColumn({type: 'integer'}) item_id: number; @Column({type: 'text'}) word: string; @Column({type: 'text'}) mean: string; @Column({type: 'integer'}) level: number;}
PS: Is it an unusual attempt to load an existing database on a React Native project? Working examples are almost no existent. I once made it work on Expo, but I realised I needed migration functionality and tried to do the same thing with TypeORM wasting lots of time...