I want to render a CustomHeader component via options in Tabs.Screen in React Navigation but TypeScript show me an error indicating connection to ParamList.The issue description from TypeScript :Type '{ headerTitle: () => JSX.Element; }' is not assignable to type 'BottomTabNavigationOptions | ((props: { route: RouteProp<BottomTabsParamList, "Wykonam">; navigation: any; }) => BottomTabNavigationOptions) | undefined'.Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'headerTitle' does not exist in type 'BottomTabNavigationOptions | ((props: { route: RouteProp<BottomTabsParamList, "Wykonam">; navigation: any; }) => BottomTabNavigationOptions)'.ts(2322)types.d.ts(271, 5): The expected type comes from property 'options' which is declared here on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & RouteConfig<BottomTabsParamList, "Wykonam", TabNavigationState<Record<string, object | undefined>>, BottomTabNavigationOptions, BottomTabNavigationEventMap>'
And here is how my BorromTabsParamList looks like. How should I modify it ?
export type BottomTabsParamList = { Wykonam: undefined; Zlecę: undefined; Wiadomości: undefined; Dodaj: undefined; Więcej: undefined; };
thanks for help !