how can I use useQuery
to trigger some api call only when onClick happens?I have an application that need to trigger api call, useAPICall
with query data only when clicking button and function onCheckingData
is true. Other than using useState
to save the state if it is needed to trigger api call. or any better way for me to use useQuery
inside useCallBack?
function useAPICall(data, shouldRunQuery=false) => { const query = useQuery( [{query: apiGQL, variables: {}}], async () => { const response: {data} = await ucFetch(apiUrl, { method: 'POST', headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: JSON.stringify({ query: apiUrl, variables: {}, }), }); return response; }, {enabled: shouldRunQuery} ); return query;}function onCheckingData(data){ //do some logic checkign on data // return boolean return true}export default function App() { const [shouldRunQuery, setShouldRunQuery] = useState(false) const onClickHandler = useCallBack((data)=>{ setShouldRunQuery(onCheckingData(data)) }, [data]) const {response} = useAPICall(data, shouldRunQuery) return (<div className="App"><button onClick={onClickHandler}>run query</button></div> );}