I am trying to save a value from a custom hook, which is fetching data for the server, to functional component state with useState, because I later need to change this value and after the change it needs to rerender. So desired behaviour is:
- Set State variable to value from custom hook
- Render stuff with this state variable
- Modify state on button click
- Rerender with new state
What I tried is:
Set the inital value of useState to my hook:
const [data, setData] = useState<DataType[] | null>(useLoadData(id).data)
but then data is always empty.Set the state in a useEffect() hook:
useEffect(()=>{ const d = useLoadData(id).data setData(d)}, [id])
But this is showing me the Error warning: Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component.
Doing this:
const [data, setData] = useState<DocumentType[]>([])const dataFromServer = useLoadData(id).datauseEffect(()=>{ if (dataFromServer){ setData(dataFromServer) }}, [dataFromServer])
Leading to: ERROR: Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component calls setState inside useEffect, but useEffect either doesn't have a dependency array, or one of the dependencies changes on every render.
What would be a proper solution for my use case?