I'm trying to map some data that I have stored in an array (the screenshot below), but I can't seem to access it, because it is loaded asynchronously. How could I await the data? Is there a way to do it in the render function?
render() { return ( {this.state.serials.map((number) => { return number.s && number.s.length? (<h2 > {number.s[0].a}</h2> ) : null})} ) }
This is componentDidMount() where I get my data:
componentDidMount() const uid = this.state.user.uid; const gatewayRef = db.ref(uid +'/gateways'); gatewayRef.on('value', (gateways_nums) => { const serialsArr = []; gateways_nums.forEach((gateway_num) => { const serialRef = db.ref('gateways/'+ gateway_num.val()['gateway']) const last_temps =[]; serialRef.on('value', (serials)=>{ const ser = [] serials.forEach((serial)=>{ ser.push(serial.val()['serial']) }) last_temps.push({a: gateway_num.val()['gateway'], b: ser}) }) serialsArr.push({s:last_temps}) }); this.setState({serials:serialsArr}) }); }
I would really appreciate any help!