So I am trying to convert a string to an enum type and use it as a type in useState:
const [someType, setSomeType] = useState<"water", "air", "fire">("water")
This works fine but when I try to convert this to an enum type like
export enum SomeType { WATER, AIR, FIRE,} const [someType, setSomeType] = useState<SomeType>(SomeType.WATER)
this throws and error
Unhandled promise rejection [Error: Got an invalid value for 'component' prop for the screen 'SomeType'. It must be a valid React Component.]
I have tried other ways too like
const [someType, setSomeType] = useState<SomeType.WATER | SomeType.AIR | SomeType.FIRE>(SomeType.WATER)
But the error is the same, Am I missing something here?