I have a problem, a bug that I cannot reproduce at all. In release (Android & iOS) I open the app and I have my nice, ideally wanted fonts. But often (it may happen after app coming back from the background (but not always!)) all my fonts become default and I have completely no idea what it is about. Fonts are placed in android/app/src/main/assets/fonts
& ios/project_name/
(pasted with xCode). This fully works with simulators.
And fonts.ts is
export default { PoppinsBlack: 'Poppins Black', PoppinsBlackItalic: 'Poppins BlackItalic', PoppinsBold: 'Poppins Bold', PoppinsBoldItalic: 'Poppins BoldItalic', PoppinsExtraBold: 'Poppins ExtraBold', PoppinsExtraBoldItalic: 'Poppins ExtraBoldItalic', PoppinsExtraLight: 'Poppins ExtraLight', PoppinsExtraLightItalic: 'Poppins ExtraLightItalic', PoppinsItalic: 'Poppins Italic', PoppinsLight: 'Poppins Light', PoppinsLightItalic: 'Poppins LightItalic', PoppinsMedium: 'Poppins Medium', PoppinsMediumItalic: 'Poppins MediumItalic', PoppinsRegular: 'Poppins Regular', PoppinsSemiBold: 'Poppins SemiBold', PoppinsSemiBoldItalic: 'Poppins SemiBoldItalic', PoppinsThin: 'Poppins Thin', PoppinsThinItalic: 'Poppins ThinItalic'}