In my example I present a flatlist of items with a checkbox.My goal is:1 . When the user marked one of the checkbox or more then he tried to exit the screen if backwards or he tried to move to another page on the screen then bounce him the modal as I already do but if the user did not mark one of the checkbox or more allow him to go back Or go to other screens without bouncing modal.Right now what is happening is that even if he has a mark and he has removed a mark from everyone then it still bounces the modal for him.
- When the user marks one or more of the checkbox and presses the
button then save in the variable the json of the selection.
export const ActionsScreen = () => { const route = useRoute<ActionScreenRouteProp>(); const params = route.params; const { emergencyRole, displayActionList, roleSelected, stateSelected } = params const [checkboxDisplay, setCheckboxDisplay] = useState<boolean []>([]); const [isAlertModalVisible, setAlertModalVisiblity] = useState(false); const [modalMessage, setModalMessage] = useState('Note that the changes were not saved !'); const [isnewArray, setnewArray] = useState(); useFocusEffect( React.useCallback(() => { const onBackPress = () => { if (isnewArray != false ){ setAlertModalVisiblity(true); return true }else{ return false } }; BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', onBackPress ); return () => BackHandler.removeEventListener('hardwareBackPress', onBackPress ); }, []) ); React.useEffect(() => { const falseArray = Array(displayActionList.length).fill(false); setCheckboxDisplay(falseArray); // initilize check box }, [displayActionList]); const onChangeCheckbox = (n:any, newValue:any) => { //console.log('onChangeCheckbox n,newValue: ', n, newValue); setnewArray(newValue) const newArray = [...checkboxDisplay]; newArray[n] = !checkboxDisplay[n]; // setCheckboxDisplay(newArray); }; const renderActionItem = ({ item, index }:{item:any, index:any}) => { return (<TouchableOpacity key={index} activeOpacity={.7} style={styles.touchableOpacity} onPress={() => {}}><CheckBox style={styles.checkBox} tintColors={{ true: 'white', false: 'white' }} value={checkboxDisplay[index]} onValueChange= {(newValue) => onChangeCheckbox(index, newValue)} /><Text style={styles.labelText}>{`${item.SequenceID}. ${item.EmergencyAction}`}</Text></TouchableOpacity> ) } const ActionHeader = () => { return (<View style={styles.secondaryTitleView}><Text style={styles.eventTypeText}>role: {roleSelected.RoleName}</Text><Text style={styles.eventTypeText}>state: {stateSelected.StateName}</Text></View> ); } const EmptyListMessage = () => { return (<View><ActionHeader /><Text style={styles.emptyListStyleText}> no results were found !</Text></View> ); };return (<> {roleSelected && stateSelected && displayActionList.length > 0 ? (<View style={styles.container}><ActionHeader /><SafeAreaView style={styles.container}><FlatList style={styles.flatListView} data={displayActionList} keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()} renderItem={({ item , index }) => renderActionItem({ item, index })} ListEmptyComponent={EmptyListMessage} /></SafeAreaView><View style={styles.BottomViewArea}><TouchableOpacity style={{ alignSelf: 'flex-start', marginLeft: 60, flexDirection: 'row'}} onPress={() => { }}><Ionicons name="send-sharp" size={30} color="white" /><Text style={{ color:"white" }}>{''}Confirmation of operations</Text></TouchableOpacity></View><CommonModalAlert returnToParent={() => { setAlertModalVisiblity(false); } } modalVisible={isAlertModalVisible} message={modalMessage} twoButton={true} /></View>) : <EmptyListMessage />}</> );}