I want to use the same style for the text for Heading at 2xl, xl, md in react native markdown renderer/display
Right now I am doing something like this
const { colorMode } = useColorMode(); const [headingColor, bodyColor] = useToken("colors", [ components.Heading.baseStyle({ colorMode }).color, components.Text.baseStyle({ colorMode }).color, ]); const [headingFontWeight, bodyFontWeight] = useToken("fontWeights", [ components.Heading.baseStyle({ colorMode }).fontWeight, components.Text.baseStyle({ colorMode }).fontWeight, ]);... style={{ heading1: { color: headingColor, fontSize: fontSizes.xl, letterSpacing: letterSpacings.xl, fontWeight: headingFontWeight.toString(), }, heading2: { color: headingColor, fontSize: fontSizes.lg, letterSpacing: letterSpacings.lg, fontWeight: headingFontWeight.toString(), }, body: { color: bodyColor, fontSize: fontSizes.md, letterSpacing: letterSpacings.md, fontWeight: bodyFontWeight.toString(), }, code_block: { color: bodyColor, backgroundColor: "transparent" }, code_inline: { color: bodyColor, backgroundColor: "transparent" }, }}
but it is getting a bit tedious. Is there something along the lines of getTextStyles(theme.components.Header, "2xl")