i am trying to build a simple connection to a mongodb.If possilbe i would like to use mongoose for that. I am using React Native and Expo.I have seen that in the documentation of MongoDB it says that i can`t use Realm with Expo. Thats the reason for trying with mongoose. Is this even possible?
import mongoose from "mongoose";const mongoURL = '***';mongoose.connect(mongoURL);const db = mongoose.connection;db.on("error", console.error.bind(console, "MongoDB Connection error"));
This is part of my App.tsx
My tsconfig.json is this
{"extends": "expo/tsconfig.base","esModuleInterop": true,"compilerOptions": {"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,"module": "esnext","jsx": "react","strict": true }}
So far when building the app on my android device i get the error_mongoose.default.connect is not a function
Haven´t been able to resolve this with past questions yet.
I am also open to other cloud-based databases
Is this even the right approach?