For my internship, I have to create an app with a Maps view and markers called from an API (the standard GraphQL API). But I have to make the map Zoom on the marker when I click on it, and I don't understand how I can do that.
I looked for the documentation and I didn't understand it :animateCamera(camera: Camera, {duration: number})
But what is a camera object ? I don't have one. And how can I call animateCamera ? With a ref (_mapRef.current.animateCamera) ?
Here is my code :
<MapView style={} mapType={viewType} provider='google' ref={_map}> {users !== undefined &&, index) => (<Marker key={'user_'+ index} title={item.username} description={ +' posts'} coordinate={{ latitude:, longitude: item.address.geo.lng }} onCalloutPress={() => { navigation.navigate('SingleUser', {user: item}) }} /> ))}</MapView>
Thanks for the help
PS: This is my first question on Stack, please don't be rude and do not hesitate to tell me if I missed a rule ! :)
PPS: Why does Stack delete my 'Hello' I put at the beginning everytime I edit this post ?