Hi everybody im making a new app at react native using tsx and i have a question.
Im have three props at screen, one boolean and two functions, my question isthere is a way of to define a proptype function without to use "any" type? using js with "proptypes" i can to use proptypes "function" but i do not have idea of how to make this using typescript
import React from 'react'import { View, StyleSheet, Text, Modal, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';import { RNCamera } from 'react-native-camera';interface propTypes { isVisible : boolean, scanCallback: any, OnCloseModal: any}const ScannerModal = ({isVisible, scanCallback, OnCloseModal}: propTypes) => { if (!isVisible) { return null } const onBarCodeRead = (e : {data : string, type: string}) => { scanCallback(e.data, e.type) } return ( ..... )}