whenever i use 'setNativeProps' in my code it won't work for some reason and its not just one code.It always show the error 2339 and im using typescriptI'm using react.js with expo on a donut chartHERES THE CODE, PLZ HELP
React.useEffect(() =>{ const maxPerc=100 * percentage/max; const strokeDashoffset= circleCircumference - (circleCircumference *maxPerc) /100; animatedValue.addListener(v =>{ if(circleRef?.current){ circleRef.current.setNativeProps({ strokeDashoffset, }); } }) }) return (<View><Svg width={radius * 2}height={radius * 2} viewBox={`0 0 ${halfCircle * 2} ${halfCircle * 2}`}><G rotation='-90 ' origin={`${halfCircle}, ${halfCircle}`}><Circle cx='50%' cy='50%' stroke={color} strokeWidth={strokeWidth} r={radius} fill="transparent" strokeOpacity={0.2} /><AnimatedCircle ref={circleRef} cx='50%' cy='50%' stroke={color} strokeWidth={strokeWidth} r={radius} fill="transparent" strokeDasharray={circleCircumference} strokeDashoffset={strokeDashoffset} strokeLinecap='round' /></G></Svg></View> );}