I am writing test case for the first time.
For scrollView, I want to mock onScrollBeginDrag
I have written this code for now
it('Scrolling to third profile adds border radius to image circle of second profile', () => { const eventData = { nativeEvent: { contentOffset: {y: 1387, x: 0}, contentSize: {width: 414, height: 19423}, layoutMeasurement: {width: 414, height: 693.5} }, }; const {getByTestId} = render(<Home />) const scrollView = getByTestId('ProfileVertical') fireEvent.scroll(getByTestId('ProfileVertical'), eventData); expect(getByTestId('image-circle-0')).toHaveStyle({ borderColor: '#81D4FA' });})
Here, Home
is the parent which contains of another component say scroll
which contains of scrollview component.
The scrollView
performs changes in context api onScroll
and also triggers changes in other scrollView.
My goal in test is to perform onScrollBeginDrag
How can I do it?