Consider the following code, containing a higher order component, a functional component, and a component created using the HOC and our functional component:
interface InjectedProps { someProp?: number;}const myHoc = <P extends {}>( Component: ComponentType<P>) => ({someProp, ...props}: P & InjectedProps) => { return <Component {...props as P} />;}const MyComponent = (props: {children?: React.ReactNode}) => { return <div>{props.children}</div>;};const WrappedComponent = myHoc(MyComponent);
However, when we try and use this new WrappedComponent
return (<WrappedComponent><h1>Hello</h1><h2>World</h2></WrappedComponent>);
We end up with the error: Type '{ children: Element[]; }' has no properties in common with type 'IntrinsicAttributes & InjectedProps'.
This can be solved by injecting the children
prop into the props of the HOC, like so;
interface InjectedProps { someProp?: number; children?: React.ReactNode;}
However, we now have the problem of all wrapped components can now take on children, even when they could previously not.
My question is, what is the proper typing for a higher order component which passes down the children in the wrapped component?