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React Native bridging to swift native class not working


We upgraded React Native from "^0.62.2" to "0.66.0". Before the Bridges worked fine. After using the latest version, i can't get even the basic tutorial running.


@objc(CalendarManager)class CalendarManager: NSObject {    @objc static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool { return true }    @objc(addEvent:location:date:)    func addEvent(_ name: String, location: String, date: NSNumber) -> Void {   // Date is ready to use!        print("")    }    @objc    func constantsToExport() -> [String: Any]! {        return ["someKey": "someValue"]    }}


@interface RCT_EXTERN_MODULE(CalendarManager, NSObject)RCT_EXTERN_METHOD(addEvent:(NSString *)name location:(NSString *)location date:(nonnull NSNumber *)date)@end

And in React Native CalendardModule.ts

const { CalendarModule } = NativeModules;type CalendarManager = {  createCalendarEvent(name: string, location: string): void;};export default CalendarModule as CalendarManager;

So when i call

//some callback function const onClickListenerHandler = () => {    console.log("Test");    CalendarModule.createCalendarEvent("Test", "Test");  };

I can see the "Test" log entry but nothing more. When debugging into the native code, the debugger won't hit the breakpoint in the swift class.

If i create an init method in CalendarManager.swift, it won't even get called.

What am i doing wrong?

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