When I use a functional component, the focus does not move the cursor when focus is changed. The Input changes accordingly (label floats), but the cursor remains on the first input.
I have seen solutions with refs, but I think this should be working too
...useStates for values and functions const [passwordFocus, setPasswordFocus] = React.useState(false); return ( ....<Input label={"Username or Email"} value={username} onChangeText={(value) => setUsername(value)} returnKeyType="next" blurOnSubmit={false} onSubmitEditing={() => { setPasswordFocus(true); }} autoCapitalize="none" autoCompleteType="email" autoFocus={true} underlineColorAndroid="transparent" /><Input label={"Password"} isPassword value={password} onChangeText={(value) => setPassword(value)} isFocused={passwordFocus} onBlur={() => setPasswordFocus(false)} blurOnSubmit={true} returnKeyType="send" autoCompleteType="password" underlineColorAndroid="transparent" onSubmitEditing={handleLogin} /> .... )