I modded the tsconfig to use with path with less annoying "../../.."
But when i mod the tsconfig i got this error
Unable to resolve module @assets/Icons/Logo2.svg from /Users/khanhs/Work/React-native/BHSoft/SafeApp/src/components/Header.tsx: @assets/Icons/Logo2.svg could not be found within the project or in these directories: node_modules
Here is my tsconfig:
{"extends": "expo/tsconfig.base","compilerOptions": {"target": "es6","module": "commonjs","moduleResolution": "node","noResolve": false,"noImplicitAny": false,"removeComments": true,"sourceMap": true,"allowJs": true,"jsx": "react","paths": {"@src/*": ["./src/*"],"@assets/*": ["./assets/*"] } },"exclude": ["./node_modules/**/*"]}
Weirdly, when i click on tsconfig file, it show some error like
Please help, thank a lots