While opening a single chat works flawlessly, entering a chat, then leaving the chat screen and entering the chat again causes double messaging and the listener isn't being removed despite placing it on the return in useEffectI've even tried the solution in this thread: React Pubnub Chat. Message dublication or no message at all
Hopefully, you guys can help me identify the issue. thanks in advance!
useEffect(() => { const listener = { message: (envelope: any) => { if (envelope) { const message = { channel: envelope.channel, message: { ...envelope.message, }, uuid: envelope.publisher, timetoken: envelope.timetoken, } dispatch(setMessage(message))// this log activates the same amount of times you entered and left the chat, because the listener isn't being removed console.log('Message listener activated!') } // setLastTimeToken(message.timetoken) }, } pubnub.addListener(listener) pubnub.setUUID(employer._id) pubnub.fetchMessages( { channels: [ch], count: 100, }, (status, response) => { if (response.channels[ch]) { dispatch(setMessages(response?.channels[ch])) } else { dispatch(setMessages([])) } }, ) pubnub.subscribe({ channels: [ch] }) const usersInfo = channel.split('_') if (channel != employer._id && usersInfo[1] !== 'job') { const deeberId = usersInfo[0] getCandidateById(deeberId).then(res => { dispatch(setSelectedChatCandidate(res)) }) } renderDisplayName() return () => { pubnub.removeListener(listener) pubnub.unsubscribeAll() } }, [])