I have a component that renders relative time
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useReducer } from 'react'import { Text, TextProps } from 'react-native';import { formatDistanceToNow } from 'date-fns';type MomentTextProps = Omit<TextProps, 'children'> & { date: Date | number; pollTimeMs?: number;}export function MomentText({ date, pollTimeMs = 60000, ...props}: MomentTextProps) : JSX.Element { const [ formatted, update ] = useReducer( () => formatDistanceToNow(Date.now()) ); const timeoutRef = useRef<ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>>(); useEffect(()=> { timeoutRef.current = setTimeout(update, pollTimeMs); return () => { clearTimeout(timeoutRef.current!); }; }); return <Text {...props}>{formatted}</Text>}
Which works, but seems overkill that I am creating so many timeouts, I was wondering if there's a way of doing this via a "React context" but only rerender this one specific child.
The way I am thinking of it (as I type this) is to have a subscribe/notify
hook like this...
/** * This hook provides a simple subscription semantic to React components. */export function useSubscription<T = unknown>(): SubscriptionManager<T> { const subscribersRef = useRef<((data: T) => void)[]>([]); function subscribe(fn: (data: T) => void) { subscribersRef.current.push(fn); return () => { subscribersRef.current = subscribersRef.current.filter( (subscription) => !Object.is(subscription, fn) ); }; } function notify(data: T) { subscribersRef.current.forEach((fn) => fn(data)); } function useSubscribeEffect(fn: (data: T) => void) { useEffect(() => subscribe(fn), []); } return { subscribe, notify, useSubscribeEffect };}
and have a useRef
and useEffect
that will call notify
on the MomentText
Seems quite overkill but not really sure which is worse.
The first approach is easy to understand, but may be a performance hit
The second is a bit more complicated, but the usage is isolated since it's just a context requirement and everything else can be handled by subscriptions within the component.