I have tried 2 different ways to do this based on some google searches.I'm trying to setup typing for a custom theme in typescript expo reactive native project.I've setup a declaration ts file and added it to my includes in tsconfig. Here is my setup. Hoping someone out there has went through similar issues and knows how to fix this.
I have a themes folder with the following files that I export out and then import into a index theme file.
themes/ colors sizes spacing index
Here is the index file importing from the above theme files.
import { DefaultTheme } from "styled-components/native";import { colors } from "./colors";import { sizes } from "./sizes";import { spacing, lineHeights } from "./spacing";const theme: DefaultTheme = { colors, sizes, spacing, lineHeights,};export default theme;
then I have my declaration file which I tried 2 ways one manually adding all the props and the other using typeof.
import {} from "styled-components";import theme from "../themes";declare module "styled-components" { type Theme = typeof theme; export interface DefaultTheme extends Theme {}}// Manually adding the props.// import { DefaultTheme } from "styled-components/native";// declare module "styled-components" {// export interface DefaultTheme {// bg: {// primary: string;// secondary: string;// };// sizes: stringp[];// lineHeights: {// title: string;// copy: string;// };// spacing: string[];// }// }
{"extends": "expo/tsconfig.base","compilerOptions": {"strict": true,"baseUrl": ".","paths": {"*": ["types/*"] }, },"include": ["./src", "./types"],"exclude": ["node_modules","**/*.test.ts","**/*.test.tsx", ]}
Then this is how I'm using this in my tsx app file.
import React from "react";import styled, { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components/native";import { Text, StatusBar } from "react-native";import theme from "./src/themes";export default function App() { return (<ThemeProvider theme={theme}><Container><Text>some text</Text><StatusBar /></Container></ThemeProvider> );}const Container = styled.View` flex: 1; background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.colors.bg.primary}; align-items: center; justify-content: center;`;