I have a ReactNative app and I am trying to write a test using Jest. My test need to use classes from a native component (react-native-nfc-manager) and a class I need is declared like this
export interface TagEvent { ndefMessage: NdefRecord[]; maxSize?: number; type?: string; techTypes?: string[]; id?: number[]; }
and if I try to use this definition directly like
const event = new TagEvent();
I get this error
TypeError: _reactNativeNfcManager.default is not a constructor
I am coming from Java worlds so I think to myself - of course it cannot instantiate an interface, it needs a class so I write a test instance for this interface:
class TestTagEvent implements TagEvent { ndefMessage: NdefRecord[] = [] maxSize?: number; type?: string; techTypes?: string[]; id?: number[];}
But the problem seem to be different since it does not work either:
TypeError: _TestTagEvent.TestTagEvent is not a constructor
What am I missing?