I’m doing project in React Native.
How can i add hyphen automatically while typing the social security numbers like
.How can i mask the specific number into any symbol from left or right like
My code :
import React, {useEffect, useRef} from 'react';import { StyleProp, ViewStyle } from 'react-native';import { Controller } from 'react-hook-form';import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';import { Layout, Input, Icon } from '_atoms';import { fillColor } from '_utils';import { Label } from '_organisms';import { style } from '../style';let Mask = ({ attribute, data, formOptions, disable }: any) => {const { name, required, title, info, placeHolder, validationRegEx, defaultValue, canUpdate, unique, splitBy, pattern, numOfSplits, position, mask, length, maskBy, ...others } = attribute; const { control }: any = formOptions || {}; let regEx = /^(?!(000|666|9))\d{3}-?(?!(00))\d{2}-?(?!(0000))\d{4}$/ const { theme } = useSelector((state: any) => state.app); let color = fillColor(disable, theme); return (<Layout style={style.container as StyleProp<ViewStyle>}><><Label isRequired={required} title={title} description={info} /></><Controller control={control} render={({ field, fieldState }: any) => { let { onChange, value } = field || {}; let { error } = fieldState || {}; let { message } = error || {}; return (<Input placeholder={placeHolder} testID={name} disabled={disable} onChangeText={(value: any) => { onChange(value); }} value={value ? value : ''} status={error ? 'danger' : 'primary'} caption={error ? message || 'Required' : ''} accessoryRight={(props: any) => { if (value) { return (<Icon {...props} fill={color} name={'close'} disabled={disable} onPress={() => onChange('')} /> ); } else return <></>; }} /> ) }} name={name} rules={{ required: required, pattern: { value: validationRegEx || regEx, message: 'Enter a valid SSN', }, maxLength: { value: 11, message: "SSN length should be < 9", }, }} defaultValue={data || defaultValue || ''} /></Layout> );};export default Mask;