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Masking the given number while on typing in the input field before clicking on final save button


I am developing the SSN number in react native. Now in my code, I am masking the number like 123 - 45 - xxxx OR xxx - 45 - 6789 only after clicking the save button. But now I wanted to mask that number like 123 - 45 - xxxx OR xxx - 45 - 6789while typing the number before clicking the save button.Note: in my code, I am referring to the values of split by, numOfSplits, pattern, position, mask, length, mask through my metadata.

my code

import React from 'react';import {    Controller} from 'react-hook-form';import {    StyleProp,    ViewStyle} from 'react-native';import {    useSelector} from 'react-redux';import {    Icon,    Input,    Layout} from '_atoms';import {    Label} from '_organisms';import {    fillColor} from '_utils';import {    style} from '../style';let SystemMask = ({    attribute,    data,    formOptions,    disable}: any) => {    const {        name,        required,        title,        info,        placeHolder,        validationRegEx,        defaultValue,        canUpdate,        unique,        splitBy,        pattern,        numOfSplits,        position,        mask,        length,        maskBy,        ...others    } = attribute;    const {        control    }: any = formOptions || {};    let regEx = /^(?!(000|666|9))\d{3}-?(?!(00))\d{2}-?(?!(0000))\d{4}$/    const {        theme    } = useSelector((state: any) => state.app);    let color = fillColor(disable, theme);    const returnSum = (array: any) => {        let sum = 0;        array.map((e: any) => {            sum = sum + e;        });        return sum;    };    let total = returnSum(pattern);    let splittedData = "";    // let numOfSplit = pattern.length - 1;    let splitData = (val: any) => {        let splittedVal = "";        if (val) {            let numOfSplits = 0;            val.split("").map((ele: any) => {                if (ele === splitBy) {                    numOfSplits++;                }            });            if (val.length <= total + numOfSplits) {                val.split("").map((each: any, index: any) => {                    let sum = 0;                    pattern.map((e: any, i: any) => {                        sum = sum + 1 + e;                        if (index + 1 === sum && each !== splitBy) {                            splittedVal += "".concat("", splitBy);                        } else if (index + 1 === sum && each === splitBy) {                            splittedVal += "".concat("", splitBy);                        } else if (index + 1 !== sum && each === splitBy) {                            splittedVal += "".concat("", "");                        }                    });                    pattern.map((e: any, i: any) => {                        sum = sum + 1 + e;                        if (index + 1 !== sum && each === splitBy) {                            each = "";                        }                    });                    splittedVal += "".concat("", each !== maskBy ? each : "");                });                return splittedVal;            }        } else {            return "";        }    };    let maskData = (val: any) => {        let maskedData = "";        if (val) {            splittedData = "";            let numOfSplits = 0;            val                .replaceAll(splitBy, "")                .split("")                .map((each1: any, index1: any, array1: any) => {                    if (array1[index1 - 1] === splitBy) {                        numOfSplits++;                    }                    if (                        index1 + 1 <= length + numOfSplits &&                        position === ("LEFT" || "left" || "Left") &&                        each1 !== splitBy                    ) {                        splittedData += "".concat("", mask ? maskBy : each1);                    } else if (                        index1 + 1 >                        val.replaceAll(splitBy, "").length - (length + numOfSplits) &&                        position === ("RIGHT" || "right" || "Right") &&                        each1 !== splitBy                    ) {                        splittedData += "".concat("", mask ? maskBy : each1);                    } else {                        splittedData += "".concat("", each1);                    }                });            splittedData.split("").map((each2, index2) => {                let sum2 = 1;                pattern.map((e2: any, i2: any) => {                    sum2 = sum2 + e2;                    if (index2 + 1 === sum2 && each2 !== splitBy) {                        maskedData += "".concat("", `${splitBy}`);                    }                });                maskedData += "".concat("", each2);            });            return maskedData;        } else {            return "";        }    };    const handleOnchange = (val: any, onChange: any) => {        onChange(val);    };    const getMaskValue = (value: any, isDirty: any) => {        return isDirty ? splitData(value) : maskData(value);    };    return ( <        Layout style = {            style.container as StyleProp < ViewStyle >        } ><><        Label isRequired = {            required        }        title = {            title        }        description = {            info        }        /> <        /> <        Controller control = {            control        }        name = {            name        }        render = {            ({                field,                fieldState            }: any) => {                let {                    onChange,                    value,                    ref                } = field || {};                let {                    error,                    isDirty                } = fieldState || {};                let {                    message                } = error || {};                return ( <                    Input                    // ref={ref}                    placeholder = "123-45-6789"                    testID = {                        name                    }                    disabled = {                        disable                    }                    onChangeText = {                        (value: any) => {                            onChange(value);                        }                    }                    // inputProps={{                    //     maxLength: total + numOfSplit,                    //   }}                    onChange = {                        (val) => handleOnchange(val, onChange)                    }                    value = {                        getMaskValue(value, isDirty)                    }                    status = {                        error ? 'danger' : 'primary'                    }                    caption = {                        error ? message || 'Required' : ''                    }                    accessoryRight = {                        (props: any) => {                            if (value) {                                return ( <                                    Icon {                                        ...props                                    }                                    fill = {                                        color                                    }                                    name = {'close'                                    }                                    disabled = {                                        disable                                    }                                    onPress = {                                        () => onChange('')                                    }                                    />                                );                            } else return < > < />;                        }                    }                    />                )            }        }        rules = {            {                required: required,                pattern: {                    value: validationRegEx || regEx,                    message: 'Enter a valid SSN',                },                maxLength: {                    value: 11,                    message: "SSN length should be < 9",                },            }        }        defaultValue = {            data || defaultValue || ''        }        /> <        /Layout>    );};export default SystemMask;

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